14,26 m (46’ 9’’)

3,03 m (9’ 11’’)

7.500 kg (16.535 lbs)

2,20 m (7’ 3’’) or 1,85 m (6’ 1’’)

14,26 m (46’ 9’’)

3,03 m (9’ 11’’)
Unsere neue 46-Fuß-Segelyacht vereint zeitlose klassische Linien mit modernen Kiel- und Ruderanhängen, der neuesten verfügbaren Decksbeschläge und allen Segelkontrollen in Reichweite des Steuermanns. Dies ermöglicht es, die neue Eagle 46 leicht einhändig zu segeln. Schließlich glauben wir, dass das Segeln einer Eagle unkomplizierten Spaß machen sollte. Die Eagle 46 wird nicht nur wegen ihrer Eleganz und zeitlosen Anziehungskraft, sondern auch wegen ihrer aufregenden Segelleistung Aufsehen erregen.
The modern classic lines on the Eagle 46 makes her sail in elegance. Combined with the use of modern design and materials also her performance stands out. This luxury 46-foot sail yacht is available in 2 different hull materials with matching set up at choice. Ideal for cruising single handed or with family or friends.
The Eagle 46 standard has a Vinylester hull and deck and aluminum mast and boom.
This can be upgraded to a Carbon Edition with corecell carbon hull construction combined with a carbon mast and boom, rod rigging and North Sails 3Di Endurance sails for more race orientated performance.
Both versions can be equipped to your personal preference

The pristine deck boasts flush hatches and is adorned with Permateek decking, a sustainable material crafted from renewable, solvent-free resins. At the end of its lifecycle, Permateek can be effortlessly recycled.
Im Interesse einer benutzerfreundlichen Handhabung und des Einhandsegelns sind die Fockwinden strategisch in leichter Reichweite des Steuermanns positioniert. Zur Vereinfachung der Großsegelsteuerung ermöglicht eine elektrische Gefangenwinde, diskret unter dem Deck installiert, das mühelose Trimmen des Großsegels auf Knopfdruck.
Um ein aufgeräumtes Deck zu erhalten, ist der motorisierte Vorstagroller diskret unter Deck platziert, während der Baumniederholer und das Achterstag bequem vom Steuerstand aus über das maßgefertigte Leonardo Yachts Hydraulikpaneel gesteuert werden.

This luxury 46-foot sail yacht is full of personalized features and can be customized by each owner to meet his or her specific needs. Hull color can be at choice as well as the style of deck equipment, do you prefer the clean classic touch with stainless steel and chrome deckware? Or would you rather go for a modern touch with black winches and black deck ware and maybe even a black mast? We offer different types of sailcloth to match with the requested performance and looks. A modern white interior with mahogany trims, a full mahogany interior matt or high gloss varnished or even a light oak wood interior. All options are possible. Combine this with a wide choice of fabrics for upholstery both in the cockpit and interior to match with your preferred styling for exterior and interior woodwork and your Eagle 46 will be custom build for you. We would be pleased to assist you in styling your Eagle 46.
Wählen Sie Leonardo Yachts als Partner, um Ihren ultimativen Segeltraum wahr werden zu lassen.
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The Eagle 46 is a new design in the range of Eagle yachts with similar styling and performance as previous models like the Eagle 38 and Eagle 54.
The renown Hoek Design classic styling in combination with modern sailing performance is coming out perfectly in this new design of the Eagle 46. The light weight carbon construction with modern fin keel and spade rudder allow for good light wind performance as well as enough stability for comfortable sailing with short handed crew.
The large and deep cockpit stands out from comparable yacht in this size. The flush decks and easy accessible deck gear will make sail handling quick and simple from the cockpit. The long overhangs and low freeboard will give the stunningly beautiful look and under sail she will perform well balanced and fast. Down below the Eagle 46 allows for ample interior space with enclosed bathroom and a small galley station with a spacious salon and sleeping accommodation to allow for longer periods on board.
Ruurt Meulemans - Hoek Design
Überzeugen Sie sich selbst
14,26 m (46’ 9’’)
3,03 m (9’ 11’’)
2,20 meters (7’ 3’’) or 1,85 meters (6’ 1’’)
Mast height
17,65 meters above DWL
7.500 Kg
Corecell carbon hull and deck or vacuum injected foam core Vinylester at choice
Sail area
93 m2 (mainsail and jib)
CE Category
CE - B
Hoek Design
Deck / hatches
Selfdraining floor finished with EcoDeck®
White panels with mahogany wood finish
Volvo D2-50 hp or Oceanvolt electric SD-10
Fuel tank
100 Liter diesel
Fresh water
150 Liter
Waste water
70 Liter
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